he spoke without effect on behalf of the proposal 意味

  • その提案に賛成する意見を述べたが効果はなかった


        how someone's jaw would move when he spoke:    (人)が話すときのあごの動き方[にあごがどう動くか]
        spoke:     spoke n. (車輪の)輻(や), スポーク. 【動詞+】 He put a spoke in my wheel. 私の仕事のじゃまをした. 【形容詞 名詞+】 The wheels have wire spokes. それらの車輪はワイヤースポークだ. 【前置詞+】 Streets radiate from the center of Paris
        without effect:    効果{こうか}[効きめ]がなくて、無効{むこう}で
        effort without effect:    徒労{とろう}
        explosion without effect:    explosion without effect 空発 くうはつ
        without any harmful effect:    有害{ゆうがい}な影響{えいきょう}がなく
        without the harmful effect of the sun:    太陽{たいよう}の有害{ゆうがい}な影響{えいきょう}を受けずに
        behalf:     behalf n. 利益, ため. 【前置詞+】 I put in a good word in your behalf. 君のために口添えをしてやった People go to shrines and temples to influence the gods in their behalf. 人はご利益を得ようとして神社仏閣へ参詣する I thank
        for and on behalf of:    ~を代表[代理]して
        in behalf of:    {1} : 〈米〉~のために、~の利益になるように◆英国では余り使用しない(on behalf of を用いる)。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : ~に代わって、~の代理として、~を代表して◆in behalf of より on behalf of の方
        on behalf of:    on behalf of 為に ために
        came at someone without knowing he is an expert in martial arts:    (人)が武道{ぶどう}の達人{たつじん}だということを知らずに(人)に飛び掛かる
        deadline he set for a minibus to the airport came and went without incident:    《a ~》ミニバスを空港{くうこう}まで手配{てはい}するよう彼が設定{せってい}した期限{きげん}が来たが何も起こらなかった
        he:    he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
        he's:    {1} : he is の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : he has の縮約形 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  1. "he spoke with simple eloquence" 意味
  2. "he spoke with the appearance of conviction" 意味
  3. "he spoke with utmost severity" 意味
  4. "he spoke with warmth of the beautiful scenery of his native village" 意味
  5. "he spoke with, for him, unusual brevity" 意味
  6. "he spoke without the aid of a single note" 意味
  7. "he sponsored a bill to make martin luther king's birthday a national holiday" 意味
  8. "he spooned enormous quantities of sugar into his coffee" 意味
  9. "he spooned up the last of his soup" 意味
  10. "he spoke with warmth of the beautiful scenery of his native village" 意味
  11. "he spoke with, for him, unusual brevity" 意味
  12. "he spoke without the aid of a single note" 意味
  13. "he sponsored a bill to make martin luther king's birthday a national holiday" 意味

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